Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology I -- Biology 2251            Faculty Index Page
                                                    James K Adams,

Dates of Exams and Lab Practicals

Review Sheets:

     Exam 1 -- chemistry
               Chemistry Study Sheet Answers
        Exam 1 -- tissues
     Exam 2      
        Exam 3
        Exam 4
        Endocrine Review (for final; be aware that there is another review sheet not on the website
            for which you are responsible -- "Hormones and Neurohormones Secreted by the Body")

    Lab Practicals:   review sheet #3 (muscles) not available on website
        Number 1 (Tissues) -- same as "Exam 1 -- tissues" above
        Number 2 (Bones)
        Number 3 (Muscles) -- this table will be handed out in lecture.
            Also check out the "Cool A&P tutorials" and then click the muscular system on this website
        Number 4 (
Nervous System)
        Number 5 (Special Senses)

    Images -- for lab practicals and aid in understanding

Images used during lecture:
        Chemistry and Cellular Biology
        Muscle Cell Anatomy
        Muscle Cell Function
    Nervous System:
        Neurons and neuron function (Chapter 11)
        Central Nervous System (Chapter 12)
        Autonomic Nervous System (Chapter 14)
    Special Senses:
    Endocrine System

    Tests on file in the library -- click on Biology tab and then the appropriate tests for this course (Biol 2212)

    Answers for tests on file in the Library:
        Test 1
        Test 2
        Test 3
        Test 4

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: This course introduces you to basic anatomical terminology, as well as basic chemistry, necessary to understand the functioning (physiology) of the body. Also covers basic cell and tissue
types, and the following systems: skin (integument), skeletal (and joints), muscular, nervous (including the special senses), and endocrine. The underlying themes are the importance of understanding the chemistry (physiology) of the different systems and how the interactive physiology of the systems works to maintain homeostasis (and therefore life).

COURSE OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of this course, you should be able to:

  1. Accurately use basic anatomical and directional terminology
  2. Understand the fundamental concepts and principles of biochemistry, cell biology, and histology.
  3. Identify the basic cell types and structures of the following systems: Integumentary, skeletal, muscular, nervous and endocrine
  4. Demonstrate an understanding of how the above systems function in a healthy human.
  5. Demonstrate an understanding of the concept of homeostasis and the role each system plays in maintaining homeostasis in a healthy human body.


Many students do not seem to realize that there are big differences between high school science courses and college sciences courses. For those of you taking this Anatomy & Physiology course, most of you have been exposed to General Biology at the college level and so have some idea of how much work outside of class is necessary to succeed . Even so, the amount of material covered in this course, and the pace at which it is covered, may seem tremendous, so it is important to come to class each day prepared. This means that you will need to read ahead on the assignments, and also put in a significant amount of time studying (a minimum of 8-10 hours is recommended). It is extremely dangerous to fall behind in this course, as it will be extremely difficult to catch up. If you were one of those students who could make "C’s", or even "B’s" or "A’s", in high school without studying, more power to you. However, that strategy will be guaranteed to fail in this class. Additionally, you will be expected to demonstrate both analytical and critical thinking skills in this class, which means you will be asked from time to time to distinguish between very similar answers, as well as apply information you know to novel situations. Perhaps the most important thing to remember as you learn the material is to ask questions. In class, do not hesitate to raise your hand when you are confused, and be sure to jot down questions to be asked later while you are studying. There is no better way to learn material than to ASK!! If you do not understand and do not ask, then you put yourself in an extremely dangerous situation since a lot of information you will be expected to learn builds on other material you will be expected to know! I will be happy to help as much as I can, but I can’t help you beyond my lectures if you don’t ask for help.

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