Principles of Biology II -- Biology 1108            Faculty Index Page
                                                    James K Adams,


Exam, Worksheet Due, and Lab Due Dates

Review Sheets:
    Exam 1 (Circulatory review)
Exam 2, number 1 (Immune/Respiratory review)
    Exam 2, number 2 (Digestion review)
    Exam 2, number 3 (Excretion review)
Exam 3, number 1 (Hormone review)
    Exam 3, number 2 (Reproduction/Development review)

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: This course begins with a discussion of evolution, which you were introduced to in 1107. This is followed by discussions and comparisons (between organisms) of numerous body systems (probably but not necessarily in the following order): circulatory (vascular), immune, respiratory, digestive, excretory, endocrine, reproductive and nervous. We will finish the semester with a discussion of behavior and ecology.

COURSE OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of this course, you should be able to

  1. Continue to demonstrate an understanding of the scientific method, covered in 1107, and apply it to problem solving.
  2. Demonstrate an understanding of the structure and funciton of the following animal systems: circulatory, immune, respiratory, digestive, excretory, endocrine, reproductive and nervous.
  3. Demonstrate an understanding of the development of a human from fertilization to birth.
  4. Relate animal behavior to genetics and natural selection.
  5. Understand the major factors which cause microevolution and solve problems using the Hardy-Weinberg equation.
  6. Summarize factors that can lead to speciation.
  7. Demonstrate an understanding of the interactions between populations, communities and the environment.
  8. Demonstrate an understanding of how energy flows through and materials cycle within ecosystems.
  9. State several significant effects of humans on the environment.
  10. Demonstrate the effective use of a microscope.


It is important that you keep a few things in mind so that you may more easily succeed in Biology 1108. First and foremost, if you have questions about any topic, ASK!! There is no better way to learn material that you are in any way confused by than to ask questions. Hopefully the book will provide you what you need, but I can clarify anything you wish to have clarified. Speaking of the book, another way to insure success is to stay ahead in the reading. In other words, come to class prepared. This way you will likely be able to sit back and listen when I lecture, as you will have already read something on the topics being covered.

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