Demography of Bradford Pears (Pyrus calleryana) -- Spring 2021


1.  164.0 cm          4 major branches, 0 cut offs

2.  211.4 cm          4 major branches, 3 cut offs

3.  172.6 cm          4 cut offs, some branches w/o bark

4.  134.5 cm          4 major branches, 6 cut offs, some branches w/o bark

5.  145.9 cm          2 major branches, 3 cut offs

6.  104.4 cm          3 major branches, 5 cut offs

7.  122.0 cm          3 major branches, 1 cut off, bottom appears constricted

8.  132.2 cm          3 major branches, 2 cut offs, cut young

9.  102.0 cm          3 major branches, 6 cut offs, cut young

10.  95.5 cm          3 major branches, 0 cut offs

11.  212.0 cm       Major branch cut off and small dead branches.

12.  172.7 cm       Major branches split off. Unhealthy tree

13.  168.6 cm       A few small branches cut off

14.  164.8 cm       Healthy tree, a few small branches cut off

15.  163.0 cm       A lot of small branches cut, healthy tree

16.  121.2 cm       Healthy tree, small branches cut off

17.  87.9 cm          Major branch split and small branches cut off

18.  100.4 cm       Small branches cut, healthy tree

19.  80.9 cm          Major branches fell off and bark on the tree is peeling.

20.  168.8 cm       Major branch split and one small branch cut off

21.  146.2 cm       observation- branch cut off, few dead branches

22.  200 cm           observation- lots of new sapling growth, huge hole in trunk with grass growing

23.  153.1 cm       observation- many cut branches, few dead and bigger branches above

24.  121.3 cm       observation- dead vine/ivy, lots of cut branches

25.  120.3 cm       observation- cut young, splits off into many branches

26.  75.2 cm          observation- thinner trunk, strange bulge at bottom, old compression mark

27.  63 cm             observation- Lots of cut branches, few dead

28.  130.2 cm       observation- old cut scars, old medication bottle found inside tree

29.  190.2 cm       observation- English ivy growth, major limbs cut

30.  109 cm           observation- branching was waist height large branches

31.  170.0 cm       Branches about waist height. Lots of woodpecker pecker holes

32.  205.0  cm      Large branch cut. Branches cut very young.

33.  205.0 cm       Branching close to base. Few to no woodpecker holes

34.  159.0 cm       Ivy growing on shrunk. Branching higher up. Many branches cut.

35.  135.0 cm       Many cut branches. About chest tight. If you were flowers comparatively.

36.  108.0 cm       Much smaller than other trees. Large cut near base.

37.  68.0 cm          Large branch cut near base. No branches until about chest height.

38.  105.0 cm       Cut very young. Large branching.

39.  138.0 cm       Lots of large branch cuts on side towards road. Extensive root system above ground.

40.  168.0 cm       Excessive branching. Woodpecker holes near base

41.  109.0 cm       Branching about waist height. Large branches.

42.  189.0 cm       Branched about 2 feet up, and several cut branches.

43.  201.1 cm       Tree burrowed into by animal.

44.  132.8 cm       Lots of chopped small branches

45.  204.3 cm       English Ivy growing on the trunk

46.  105.4 cm       Branched low, several main branches cut.

47.  114.8 cm       Branched 15 inches off ground, lots of branches

48.  110.0 cm       Several main branches cut

49.  89.0 cm          Tree tilted toward road, close to drainage canal.

50.  108.0 cm       Branched low, close to drainage canal

51.  198.0 cm       Several large branches, several woodpecker holes

52.  190.2 cm       Major limb cut